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Windward Beach & Dock Renovation

The renovation of Windward Beach and Dock is now completed. While Hurricane Sally did her worst to our lovely beach/dock area, one of our Windward directors, John Radke, was kind enough to snag a very busy dock repair company to come out and fix our dock just a few weeks after the storm (and ahead of numerous folks clamoring to get their’s done first). John had them add new, safer and more hurricane resistant footings at the end of dock area and everything has been snugged down securely. You can safely use all portions of the dock now. Chuck Danick, another Windward director, helped oversee the project with John and took pictures of the work in progress, as well the finished project.

In addition to Windward having a newly renovated dock, the Windward Beach area has been completely renovated with yards and yards of new sand that not only filled in the areas that were washed away by the storm, but also gave a new and thicker sand base to our beach. It looks wonderful and lots of residents are already enjoying the efforts put forth by both John and Chuck. We also want to say thank you to several Windward residents who came out right after the storm to help with beach clean-up, picking up the debris and dock pieces left after Sally blew through. Your efforts helped immensely, thank you for being such dedicated community members.

Before Renovation

After Renovation

Windward Property Owners Association