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Windward BOD Meeting Summary, 3 Feb 2022

This is a summary of the meeting last night – several issues were discussed – complete minutes of the meeting will be posted after the BOD approves the minutes at the 7 April BOD meeting.

BOD Committee Reports:


– Marcus Kollross: 2 pools will be built in Windward in the next few months. Marcus asked that homeowners please contact the ARC prior to tree removal, exterior changes to home or property, new roofs, & fences.


– J. Radke: there are 3 outstanding projects still to be completed – Landscape workshop doesn’t have the manpower to attend to them right now.


– D. Wick: we need to replace the batteries on the entry gate, and he has the price to replace the receiver for the gate – we’ll replace the current worn out receiver with a new one. Several homeowners have complained about how close you must be to the gate to get it to open with our clickers – a new receiver will solve that problem but to get improved range, you’ll have to buy a new gate clicker (should be $30). The BOD unanimously voted to add the additional receiver. The cost of the current clickers will remain at $35. Don is working on getting that accomplished in the next few weeks.

Association Manager

– Heather said there will be a new resident portal coming to Windward. You should be able to pull up your account, view your bill, and hopefully direct a payment to your bill. Heather will keep us posted on this as more information becomes available.

Discussion points

1) Discussed the disposition of a long-standing covenant violation case: The courts found in favor of Windward and we were able to recoup legal fees incurred up to August; there are remaining fees still outstanding due to legal advice, court appearances etc. that occurred after August. It is hoped we won’t have to go back to court to obtain those outstanding fees.

2) Gate equipment purchase – BOD approved the equipment Don Wick recommended and he will move forward with the purchase.

3) Security / Gate – It was decided because of continued abuse of gate codes leading to security problems, vandalism, and noise – all non-essential gate codes would be eliminated, and residents will need to purchase a swipe card for their service providers, i.e., lawn-care, pool service, domestic help, etc. several codes have already been removed, but as of 1 March 2022, all non-essential codes will be disabled. This should give residents adequate time (4 weeks) to purchase swipe codes for their service providers.

4) Windward Covenants – Discussion about enforcement, violations, different covenants for different phases (Windward has 5 phases); when an unresolved violation would need to be sent to the Homeowners Advocacy Committee (HAC). Discussion about the need to update, streamline covenants, an exploratory committee will be established to discuss cost, scope, and establish the best way forward. Southwind revised & updated their covenants a few years ago, the cost was $15,000.

5) Presentation by Preserve BWB Group Organizers – discussed their plan to save BWB’s golf course greenspace – and asked Windward to consider being a part of their project. As we get more information, it’ll be posted.

6) Dogs on the loose – Marcus Kollross has received several complaints about dog owners allowing their pets to run loose, or on a very long leash – jumping or rushing toward residents who are walking or riding their bikes – one resident’s pet was injured when a dog on long leash jumped on it.

7) Trash Cans / Shabby lot appearance – a resident complained that Windward has become shabby, cluttered and unkempt. She feels the lack of covenant enforcement and people not taking care of their property has hurt Windward’s appearance. She noted many folks have their trash cans in plain sight, fail to put trash cans away, parking on the street, or in their yards on the grass; boat trailers and work trailers are common sights in driveways – all these add up to Windward looking worn out and shabby. Asked what can be done to bring Windward back up to its previous high standards. There was discussion about Covenant enforcement and Covenant re-set – looking at clarifying the ambiguous covenants and establishing some concrete rules regarding appearance.

8) Need for our gate – a resident asked why we’re keeping the gate since it costs us money and doesn’t really provide any security or protection. A discussion ensued about it being a deterrent, helping property values and the last time this question was brought up, most residents preferred to keep the gate.

9) 7 April 2022 has been set for the next BOD meeting at the North Bay Fire Station at 6:30pm

10) Volunteers for the Covenant refresh committee are needed and welcome.


Teena Hammond
President, Windward Homeowner’s Association